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Guidance. Support. Empowerment.


Learning & Training Needs:


  • Complete or partial training designs

  • Training needs analysis and reporting

  • Progression continuums

  • Facilitator Guides

  • Learner guides & workbooks

  • Learning Strategies

  • Proficiency levels

  • Assessments

  • Pre and post testing

  • Scope & Sequences (skill, competency or knowledge desired)

  • Updating word documents into more professional learning appearance or elearning

  • Workshop or seminar program (design and presentation)

  • FAQ Guides

  • Fact Sheets

  • Quick reference Guides

  • Key Terms


Learning,Training & Instructional Designs:


Facilitated processes to identify a critical challenge or opportunity, through to the development stage. The process follows the ADDIE model of instructional design, overlaid with a change management lens using human centered design principles (in most cases).



Exploring the questions: What is the impact of the current solution/practice? What's going on? How do we know?

Analysis and interpretation of whole-organisation and specific department/group data sets from multiple sources to determine state of play and opportunities for improvement. Evaluate the alignment of existing learning designs with the strategic plan and/or desired vision for improvement. Identify area for desired improvement to articulate a case for change.



Exploring the question: Why is improvement needed?

Utilise rigorous processes to investigate the efficacy of current practice to identify both opportunities, strengths and efficiencies, as well as organisational obstacles, inefficiencies, and inconsistencies. Develop and conduct a learning needs analysis. Synthesis findings and consult with stakeholders.



Exploring the question: Where do we want to be?

Identify and map priority learning needs in collaboration with identified stakeholders and assess readiness. Articulate a clear focus for the learning & development in relation to vision, values, strategic intent and operational targets. Develop shared aspirations and a deep understanding of the drivers of improvement.



Exploring the question: What steps will get us to where we want to be?

Co-construct training & development goals, criteria for success and steps to be taken to achieve them, in collaboration with all stakeholders including SMEs.  Frameworks, continuums, or matrices may be designed to detail the skill, knowledge, outcomes or competency progression that will guide the solution.  Determine the evidence-based pedagogical strategies for high-impact and high growth that will be utilised. Multiple sources of feedback (e.g observation, coaching, action research) tools and processes to measure progress are customised and differentiated according to need. The result is a learning solution that is in alignment with your vision, values and strategic/operational intent.



Exploring the questions: What will the impact be? How will it look?


This stage includes collaboratively developing the fit-for purpose learning solution and planning for its implementation. Utilising adult learning and human-centered design principles, the authentic learning & development experiences, resources and materials are created.  The completion of this phase indicates readiness to move to implementation.



Implement the learning solution/s and refine in progress where needed.



Exploring the questions: How is it going? Is the impact as intended? Is the improvement sustainable?

Validate the effectiveness of implementation through feedback and data analysis (using the agreed upon measures of progress) against the anticipated impact. With flexibility and responsiveness, data is used to identify and address any gaps in the solution and to make any necessary refinements. Data is consistently reviewed to inform emerging needs and the next steps. Formally report to all stakeholders on progress towards goals.



E-Learning Content & Course Creation:


Guidance in reviewing or developing e-Learning content and course creation. Choosing technology with the most effective pedagogy to make the learning effective, efficient and affordable.


Elearning content and courses are:

* modern

* able to be used on all devices (responsiveness)

* professional

* visually attractive

* include assessments and interactive features

* time-saving


You might use elearning content or courses for the following reasons:


* programs, retreats, workshops

* Courses, units, assessment

* staff induction and onboarding

* compliance activities

* program orientations

* promotions (new programs, achievements, recognition)

* policy and program launches and updates

* to report achievements




I acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the Country on which I walk.

I recognise their continuing connection to the land and waters of this beautiful country and acknowledge that they never ceded sovereignty.


© 2021 by Rachel Lechmere

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